Snapchat users can now share YouTube videos with friends directly from the Snapchat Camera. Users will be able to tap the Snapchat icon when sharing from YouTube to then add that YouTube link as a sticker in their Story. Snapchat says this is the first time that YouTube links can be shared visually to Snapchat Stories and one-on-one Snaps, while still accessing the Camera and full suite of Snapchat Creative Tools for self expression. It makes a lot of sense – and for brands, it could help to facilitate new ways to drive traffic to your longer YouTube videos, while also enabling you to share tutorials, product overview videos and more via your Snaps. It's a good way to encourage more active sharing, with the sticker display providing a more integrated, direct sharing process. This is a big win for creators as it opens up new opportunities to drive traffic and engagement to their content. It's also great news for Snapchat as it demonstrates its commitment to continuing to support creators and help them grow their businesses.
April 4, 2022 12:53 PM