Create short form videos 10x faster using artificial intelligence

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Create short form videos 10x faster using artificial intelligence
The average time it takes our users to make a video
Median amount of videos created per active user
For top performing users leveraging the Supercreator app
We are obsessed with making sure our users are happy
Supercreator is the next generation of the video creation studio. We leverage the power of artificial intelligence to condense more than 100 tedious and time-consuming tasks into one simple application.
With a product designed for speed, power and efficiency - Supercreator turns any ordinary person into, well.. a Supercreator 🚀⚡️️
It’s not just about working hard, its about working smart. With Supercreator, you’ll be able to go from ideation to creation faster than ever before, as we provide all of the textual and visual assets that you need to create greate videos in an innovative new way. Just pick a script, press record, and start creating without friction.
Instead of spending valuable time finding hashtags, thinking of a catchy title, or writing up a post to use when sharing your video, Supercreator automatically suggests optimized recommendations for all of the useful stuff you’d normally dread having to research or work on after every video.
It’s not just about making one video - it’s about consistancy. Building a consistant flow of content across a steady storyline is hard, but with “Series” - you can seamlesly create your very own episode-packed original format that make it so easy to create, iterate and deliver time after time again.
Create original scripts for videos from any article, text, video, podcast - or use an existing script and adjust it to your own style and tone.
Our custom built AI can help you take a blog post your wrote, or an article you read, and turn it into a ready-to-use original script in seconds!
Get AI-powered insights, alerts, and suggestions to ensure that as long as you have the desire to create great content, or become an even better content creator, Supercreator will do everything possible to help and take care of the rest.
Create original scripts for videos from any article, text, video, podcast - or use an existing script and adjust it to your own preferences. Go from ideation to creation of engaging short form videos in minutes not hours.
Supercreator gives you the power to create without limits and will liberate you from the time, resources, and talent that is needed to spread the message you desire, to the audience you deserve. The only prerequisite - is that you have the will to to create, and together, we'll help you achieve greatness.
We’re looking for ambitious creators to join us. Our mission is to empower every creator* in the world with the technology and community they need to thrive.
*If you create any sort of digital value, you are a creator
Pitch's website was rebuilt in Webflow by Andreea Encutescu for educational purposes. Not affiliated with Pitch in any way, all rights of the images, logos, and text belong to Pitch. The pages developed are: Home, About, and Blog. You can clone this project here.